المرحلة الأولى
اسم المادة | المحاضرات |
المادة السنية | 1. Basics of materials science 2. Requirements and evaluation of dental materials 3. The structure of the solid materials and interatomic bonds 4. The mechanical properties of the solid materials (Part I) 5. The mechanical properties of the solid materials (Part II) 6. The mechanical properties of the solid materials (Rheological properties) 7. The physical properties of the solid materials (adhesion and cohesion) 8. The physical properties of the solid materials (thermal properties) 9. The physical properties of the solid materials (electrical properties) 10. The physical properties of the solid materials (surface physico-chemistry) 11. The physical properties of the solid materials (surface texture) 12. The physical properties of the solid materials (optical properties) 13. The biological properties of the solid materials (Biocompatibility) 14. The biological properties of the solid materials (Biofilm formation and bio adhesion ) The chemical properties of the solid materials .15 |
تقنيات اجهزة الاسنان | 1. introduction. Dental laboratories, The work in the lab, The principle of the ideal lab 2. Hand instruments uses in the Dental laboratories 3. Dental Impression Trays 4. The burner uses in Prosthodontic Dentistry 5. Dental Pliers 6. Articulators, Face Bow and Die – lock tray 7. Dental Surveyors 8. Dental Packing & Duplication tools, and Dental Press 9. Dental Trimmer and Vibrator 10. Wax extraction unit 11. Polymerization devices (Water Bath devices, hydraulic flask and microwave oven) 12. Curing Light device and Injector flexible machine 13. Dental Brush, Burs and Disc 14. Laboratory Engines and Handpiece 15. Dental lathe polishing machine |
تشريح الاسنان | 1. Introduction of dental anatomy 2. Anatomy of tooth structure 3. The numbering system of the teeth 4. Physiology of teeth (Function)and tooth form 5. Fundamental of the tooth form 6. Proximal contact area: importance and function 7. Physiology of human teeth 8. Anatomical landmarks (anterior teeth) 9. Anatomical landmarks (posterior teeth) 10. Maxillary central Incisor 11. Maxillary lateral Incisor 12. Mandibular central Incisor 13. Mandibular lateral Incisor 14. Canine Maxillary 15. Canine Mand |
اللغة الأنكليزية | 1.medical terminology 2.suffixes 3.prefixes 4.body stucture 5.body system |
حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية | 1.مفهوم حقوق الانسان 2.اهم الصفات الاساسية لحقوق الانسان 3.انواع حقوق الانسان 4.فئات حقوق الانسان 5.حقوق الانسان في الحضارات القديمة 6.حقوق الانسان في العصور الوسطى 7.حقوق الانسان في الاسلام والاديان السماوية 8.حقوق الانسان في مجتمعات عصر النهضة 9.حقوق الانسان في العصور الحديثة 10.منظمات غير حكومية وحقوق الانسان 11.منظمات حماية حقوق الانسان على الصعيد الدولي 12.الوعي المائي والبيئي بالعراق 13.مفهوم المساواة |
مبادئ الحاسوب | 1.اساسيات الحاسوب 2.مزايا الحاسوب 3.مكونات الحاسوب 4.حاسوبك الشخصي 5.امان الحاسوب وتراخيص البرامج 6.اخلاق العالم الالكتروني 7.تراخيص برامج الحاسوب 8.نظم التشغيل 9.مكونات سطح المكتب 10.المجلدات والملفات والايقونات 11.اجراء عمليات على النوافذ خلفيات سطح المكتب 12.لوحة التحكم 13.تنظيم الملفات داخل الحاسوب 14.بعض الحالات والاعدادات الشائعة |
المرحلة الثانية
المادة | المحاضرات |
المادة السنية | Impression materials, definition, requirements1. 2.Classification of impression material, non-elastic impression material 3.Hydrocolloids impression materials 4.Elastomeric impression material 5.Investment materials, definition and requirements 6.Classification of investment materials 7.Dental casting alloy 8.High noble and noble alloy, Classification 9.Base metal alloys, types 10,Titanium alloys 11.Wrought alloy, uses, manipulation 12.Wrought Nickel-Titanium Alloy 13.Wrought stainless steel Alloy 14.Wrought beta titanium alloy Soldering and welding and brazing |
الطقم الكامل | 1.Anatomical landmarks of the maxillary edentulous arch 2.Anatomical landmarks of the mandibular edentulous arch 3.Materials used for primary, secondary, and boxing impression 4.Special trays, Record base, and Occlusal rim: definition, properties, & materials used for construction 5.Maxillo-mandibular relationship 6.Articulator and mounting: definition, uses, & types 7.Occlusion (balance occlusion) 8.Selection of anterior & posterior teeth 9.Guidelines for artificial teeth arrangement & Arrangement of anterior teeth 10.Arrangement of posterior teeth 11.Waxing, carving & post dam 12.Flasking and de-flasking 13.Packing and curing 14.Finishing and polishing |
التيجان | 1.Types of crowns 2.Finishing line, types, and indications 3.Esthetic and biological considerations of tooth preparation 4.Mechanical consideration of tooth preparation 5.Disinfection of impression and cast and pouring technique 6.Working cast and die: materials used for making working cast and die 7.Working cast and die: types and techniques used for fabricating 8.Cutting of the die and methods of exposing the finishing line 9.Fundamental of occlusion 10.Mandibular movements: functional and parafunctional movements 11.Articulators and face bow 12.Bite registration and mounting 13.Waxing procedure 14.Waxing instruments, die spacer, and luting agent |
انسجة الفم | 1.Embryological development 2.Development of face 3.Development of oral cavity 4.Development of teeth 5.Amelogenesis 6.Enamel structure 7.Dentinogenesis 8.Dentine structure 8.Pulp 9.Cementogenesis 10.Cementum structure 11.Bone formation 12.Bone structure 13.Periodontal ligament 14.Oral mucosa |
الكيمياء | 1.Introduction to General Chemistry 2.Atom, atomic number, mass number, atomic mass and isotopes. 3.Periodic table. 4.Chemical bonds. 5.Method of analysis, solutions, standard solutions. 6.Molarity, molality, normality, and dilution. 7.Chemical reactions, equilibrium constant, reaction route, catalyst. 8.Solubility and ionization. 9.Neutralization analysis, acid and base theory. 10.pH, buffers, and endpoint. 11.Spectroscopy (Optical spectroscopy). 12.Beer’s law. 13.Lipids. 14.Proteins. 15.Enzymes and vitamins. |
المرحلة الثالثة
المادة | المحاضرات |
طقم جزئي متحرك | 1.Ideal component of the chrome-cobalt removable partial denture 2.Maxillary major connector 3.Mandibular major connector 4.Minor retainer 5.Direct retainer 6.Indirect retainer 7.Rest and rest seat 8.Denture base 9.Support for the distal extension denture base 10.Establishment of occlusal relationship for R.P.D. 11.Duplicating of the master cast (Refractory cast) 12.Wax pattern 13.Spruing and investing 14.Burnout and Casting 15.Finishing and polishing |
الطقم الكامل | 1.Retention, stability and support 2.Mandibular movements 3.Eccentric occlusion and Lingulized occlusion 4.Arrangement of maxillary and mandibular teeth in Cl. II & Cl. III 5.Neutral zone 6.Selective grinding 7.Repair of complete denture 8.Relining of complete denture 9.Rebasing of complete denture 10.Duplication of complete denture 11.Immediate complete denture: part 1 12.Immediate complete Denture: part 2 13.Overdenture 14.Single complete denture opposing natural or artificial teeth 15.Digital system for complete denture procedure |
التيجان والجسور | 1.Fixed partial dentures design, types & indications 2.Pontic design 3.Connectors for a fixed partial denture 4.A framework design for metal ceramic restoration 5.Methods of waxing framework (coping) 6.The procedure of waxing framework (coping) 7.Spruing procedure, investing 8.Alloys and metal selection for metal ceramic restoration 9.Casting ring and liner, Burn out and casting 10.Types of ceramic, classifications, indications 11.Preparation of metal copy for metal ceramic restoration (anterior) 12.Preparation of metal copy for metal ceramic restoration (posterior) 13.Bonding of ceramic to metal 14.Provisional restoration: introduction, types 15.Provisional restoration: materials and techniques |
تقويم الاسنان | 1.Six keys to normal occlusion 2.Adams clasp construction 3.Hawley labial arch, Robert retractor, and Fitted labial arch 4.Buccal canine retractor and modification 5.Finger spring and Modified finger spring 6.Z-Spring and Recurved Z-spring 7.Myofunctional appliance construction 8.Anchorage and fixed orthodontic appliance 9.Introduction and mall occlusion 10.Orthodontic wires properties and removable orthodontic appliance 11.Soldering & welding 12.Open bite, Deep bite, and Space maintainers in orthodontics 13.Crossbite in orthodontics 14.Bad habits and Habit breaker 15.Bite plane and Retainers |
امراض فم | 1.Oral pathology 2.Microscopy and slide preparation 3.Biopsy, definition, types, technique 4.Dental caries, definition, classification, clinical feature, radiological feature 5.Pulp disease, acute pulpitis 6.Pulp disease, dental granuloma 7.Periapical pathology & changes 8.Cyst of the Jaw 9.White lesions 10.Ulceration oral lesions 11.Developmental disturbance of oral mucosa 12.Developmental disturbance of the tongue 13.Developmental disturbance of teeth 14.Bone disease 15.Salivary gland disease |
بكتيريا الفم | 1.Oral bacteriology 2.The cellular structure of bacteria 3.Bacterial classification 4.Bacterial growth phases and curve 5.Gram stain steps and procedures 6.Basic requirements of Bacteria 7.Oral microbiology and oral environments 8.Dental plaque, definition, clinical feature, developments 9.Oral streptococci, types, morphology, characteristics, selective media 10.Mutans streptococci, types, morphology, characteristics, selective media 11.The role of Bacteria in dental caries (cariogenic bacteria) 12.The role of streptococcus in the development of dental caries 13.The role of bacteria in periodontal disease 14.Gingivitis 15.Periodontal pockets and periodontal abscess |
تعويضات الوجه والفكين | 1.Maxillofacial prosthesis work 2.Facial skin, wrinkles, and structures or landmarks 3.Prosthetic treatment of maxillofacial defects 4.Materials used for maxillofacial restoration construction 5.Cleft lip and palate (anatomy, impression and cast construction) 6.Cleft lip and palate (feeding plate construction) 7.Maxillary cleft (anatomy of the palate) 8.Obturator (Anatomy Impression and cast construction) 9.Obturator construction 10.Ocular prosthesis 11.Orbital prosthesis 12.Auricular prosthesis 13.Nasal prosthesis 14.Nasal and meatus opening devices 15.Retention for maxillofacial prosthesis |
تطبيقات الحاسوب | 1.التعرف على Excel، فوائده، مواصفاته، ومفهوم طريقة التشغيل 2.التعرف على الشاشة الرئيسية لـ Excel: مكوناتها، أدواتها، وشريط القوائم 3.مفهوم الخلية، أنواع البيانات الرئيسية، وكيفية إدخالها 4.كيفية حفظ ملف workbook، إغلاق الملف، وإغلاق البرنامج 5.فتح ملف محفوظ، إدخال البيانات، وإجراء العمليات الحسابية البسيطة، وطرق تنسيق الخلية 6.التعرف على طرق جمع البيانات أو مجموعة الخلايا بصورها المختلفة، وفرز البيانات 7.الدوال الشائعة مثل Sqrt، Average، Count، Sum، Min، Max، وبعض استخداماتها 8.عملية تنقيح الخلية، نسخ البيانات، نقلها، ونسخ العمليات الحسابية الخلوية المطلقة والنسبية 9.التحكم في عرض الخلية وتغيير نمطها من خلال أدوات التنسيق 10.التعامل مع المخططات: مكوناتها، وأنواعها المختلفة 11.طرق إنشاء المخططات واختيار أنواع المخططات المختلفة ومفهومها 12.تعديل البيانات والمخططات وإجراء مختلف التنقيحات عليها 13.عملية إنشاء قائمة الفرز (sorting) والتعامل مع القوائم (list) 14.عملية تصفية القوائم (filtering) وخصوصًا التصفية التلقائية والمتقدمة 15.كيفية إضافة أو حذف الصفوف والأعمدة، وكيفية طباعة صفحة العمل كبيانات ومخططات |